Chinese Volleyball Super League, often abbreviated to CVL (abbreviation remain unchanged), are the pre-eminent men's and women's professional volleyball leagues in China. It was founded in 1996 as the Chinese Volleyball League and is organized by the Chinese Volleyball Association (CVA), operating with China National Sports Group (CNSG). The league was rebranded to the Chinese Volleyball Super League when it became fully professional in 2017. The champions qualify for the Asian Men's and Women's Club Volleyball Championships.

The women's league normally starts in November and ends in March of the following year, while the men's league starts in October and ends in February of the following year, lasting for about four months. The league is divided into four stages: the first two stages normally called the "Regular Season", and the last two stages called the "Playoffs".

The number of teams has increased from 12 to 14 since the 2017/18 season, for both men's and women's leagues. Start from 2023/24 Season, the teams of Women's League increased to 15.

Due to Covid-19, Season 2020/21 & 2021/22 shorten the competition to about 2 months, and held at a designated venue.

Čína - ČVL - Ženy

Čínský volejbalový turnaj pro ženy, známý jako Čínská volejbalová liga (CVL), je vysoce soutěživá liga, která představuje nejlepší volejbalistky z celé Číny. Liga je rozdělena do dvou divizí, s 12 týmy v divizi A (nejvyšší úroveň) a 10 týmy v divizi B.

Zápasy CVL jsou typicky vysoce kvalitní, plné rychlých výměn, silných útoků a obratných obran. Nejlepší týmy mají hvězdné hráčky, které reprezentovaly Čínu na mezinárodní úrovni, včetně olympijských her.

Turnaj CVL se koná každoročně od roku 1996 a je považován za jednu z nejlepších volejbalových lig pro ženy na světě. Poskytuje platformu pro mladé talenty, aby předvedly své dovednosti a prosadily se ve volejbalovém světě.